
Help Central

PriceShare is a community sharing site designed to store and maintain the prices for supermarket products. These price comparisons allow shoppers to make more informed shopping decisions, and potentially accrue considerable savings.

This help section will guide you through the features of PriceShare and give you more information on how the features work and how data is calculated.


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) - Common questions and answers
Site Origins - How did PriceShare start?
Site Vision - Where will this all end up?
Products - How we maintain products and capture prices
Ratings - User comments and ratings of stores or products

Other Information

Known Issues - Existing issues and bugs
Data Privacy - What data we show and how you control it
Terms of Use - Terms of use, privacy policy, disclaimer, site rules

Getting More Help

If you need more help with PriceShare:
  • Forums - The forums will usually get you the quickest response
  • Contact Admin - Contact admin if you feel the other options can't help you