
Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Disclaimer

Terms of Use

PriceShare is a consumer site focused on providing prices and comparisons to the public. PriceShare is not affiliated to an existing store, brand or chain.

By using PriceShare you agree not to harrass other users, administrators, store owners or other participants on the site, through means of messaging, misrepresentation or untrue reporting of information, labelling or pricing.

When uploading new or modified product or price information, you agree to only submit information that is true and correct according to your knowledge. Correct information is regarded as that which pertains to the indicated product, time and store.

Inaccurate or deceitful contribution to the site may result in a warning or banning, as the administrators shall see fit.

No person or service shall make use of automation or mass processing to extract data from the site without permission of the administrators. This includes "scraping" and bot-scanning, as well as the use of manual labour, to copy or extract unusually large amounts of information from the site.

PriceShare is only intended for personal use, and any dissemination of data, comparisons or conclusions is to be done for personal use only, and not for commercial, marketing or research purposes. All use of data, comparisons or conclusions beyond personal use requires written permission from the administrators.

No user may access the account of another user without the permission of the account owner.

PriceShare reserves the right to cancel, suspend or edit an account without warning, including banning a user, visitor or IP address from further visits. PriceShare reserves the right to modify or delete any submitted data (with the purpose of ensuring accuracy in the interests of end users).

No language or images may be used or submitted that include foul language, sexual or violent content, or content that may be regarded as hateful or offensive, or that infringes upon existing copyrights, patents or trademarks. PriceShare reserves the right to remove such content and warn or ban the offenders.

PriceShare reserves the right to modify the rules, policies, disclaimers, terms of use or branding as the need arises. Notification will be provided in the site announcements, where possible.

Manipulation of urls is not allowed - users are only permitted to access pages for which there is a link provided through normal usage of the site.

Privacy Policy

PriceShare stores all private or personal data according to common industry-accepted standards. This includes email addresses, passwords and other potentially sensitive information.

PriceShare and/or its owners and administrators will not be held liable for the loss of data, or the release of data beyond the site (including by means of "hacking").

PriceShare does not pass on personal data to third parties without the permission of the related persons.

This site may use cookies to achieve common website functionality.

Any user may request to see what data is being held under the accounts that are uniquely linked to their personal data.


All content, including concepts, methodologies, imagery and other original work, is the property of the administrators, and no reuse is permitted without express written permission. The administrators are not accountable for any damage, intentional or unintentional, caused or implied by use of the site.

All price data is subject to change without notice, at the discretion of the affected stores. PriceShare will not be held responsible for prices that are incorrect, or for comparisons that draw incorrect conclusions based on incorrect pricing. All use of the site and the data available on the site is done at the user's own risk and no claim will be accepted against the site or its owners for any desired or undesired consequence arising from use of the data.


For any further clarification or requests, visit the Contact page to contact Admin.